Dadetyn Wood

All Projects

  1. GraphGrad

    Custom C++ tensor library with pybinding support that allows many standard tensor operations.

    • C++
    • Python
    • CUDA
    • OpenMP
    • Pybind
  2. Text Recovery from Palimpsests

    Spatial revising variational autoencoder for the purposes of recovering text of from Palimpsests, or old manuscripts which were chemically altered to be reused, using multi-spectral images.

    • Python
    • PyTorch
    • Computer Vision
  3. Speaker Diarization in Expressive Dialogues
    Master's Capstone Project

    Joint, end-to-end, speaker diarization and automatic speech recognition system trained and evaluated on expressive dialogues and compared to traditional speaker diarization methods.

    • Python
    • PyTorch
    • Speech Processing
    • Research
  4. Web Checkers

    A web application for users to play checkers against one another or against a simple AI.

    • Java
    • Agile
    • Spark
    • JavaScript
    • Maven
  5. Traffic Camera Reprojection to Supplement Autonomous Perception

    A lightweight system for cooperative perception between LiDARs on autonomous vehicles and monocular traffic cameras.

    • Python
    • Computer Vision
    • CARLA
    • Research
  6. Speech Emotion Recognizer

    An emotion recognition model trained to identify 7 different emotions.

    • Python
    • TensorFlow
    • Speech Processing
    • Librosa
    • PyGame
  7. Twitter Depression Detection

    A model to predict a person's likelihood for depression based on the content and activity of their Tweets on Twitter (now X).

    • Python
    • Sci-kit Learn
    • Feature Engineering
    • Natural Language Processing
  8. Voice Cloning Resume Website

    A resume website demo with a ChatGPT-powered chatbot that answers questions about the provided resume and plays responses using a cloned voice.

    • Python
    • Speech Processing
    • ChatGPT